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Welcome to Capital Exotic helicopter tour near me , your ultimate destination for helicopter tours in the Washington DC (dc helicopter tour) metropolitan area. Our Baltimore helicopter tour offers captivating aerial views, while our helicopter rides in Maryland encompass the region’s beauty. Explore iconic landmarks with our helicopter tour DC of helicopter ride dc or opt for a thrilling Virginia Beach helicopter ride. We specialize in helicopter rides in Virginia Beach, granting you a unique perspective of this coastal gem. Discover the allure of the skies with Capital Exotic’s Maryland helicopter tours and make memories with our Virginia Beach helicopter rides. Your adventure begins here!

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OUR helicopter SERVICES

Helicopter Charter / Tours

Aerial Filming

Utility Projects

Fire Suppression

External Load

NASCAR Charter

NASCAR Charter

Capital Exotic’s Helicopter Charter Services: Enhancing the NASCAR Experience

Don’t let traffic jams and limited parking spoil your NASCAR experience! Experience arriving like drivers and team owners themselves; Capital Exotic provides safe and efficient helicopter charter services between various Sprint Cup events on the East Coast.

Capital Exotic’s helicopters provide unmatched speed and efficiency, enabling you to navigate around race-day crowds quickly and park conveniently. Within minutes, you will arrive at the track ready to immerse yourself in heart-pounding action – after the race simply relax while we take you directly back to your car; thanks to Capital Exotic’s race charter service you may even have already left before many others!

  1. Safe and Efficient Travel: At NASCAR charter service, safety is of utmost importance. With well-maintained helicopters piloted by experienced pilots, you can rely on us for an enjoyable yet safe trip.
  2. Avoid Traffic Congestion: By opting for our helicopter charter service, you can bypass traffic congestion and remote parking areas allowing you to make the most out of your time at the race.
  3. Quick and Convenient Access: Our helicopters provide quick and convenient access to the track, guaranteeing you arrive on time – eliminating delays or long queues!
  4. Return: After the race is completed, our convenient transportation will quickly transport you back to your car – saving time and minimizing stress from post-race congestion.
  5. Experience Luxury Like the NASCAR Elite: Add an exclusive and memorable element to your race day experience with a helicopter charter service like that offered by NASCAR’s elite! Our charter service adds sophistication and an unforgettable feel for an unforgettable journey.

Capital Exotic is committed to providing exceptional service, making your NASCAR race day extraordinary from start to finish. Experience the thrill of helicopter travel for an enhanced race day experience and contact us now about your NASCAR charter needs and make your reservation!

other exotic services

Luxury rental cars

Starting from $360 Per Day

Welcome to Capital Exotic car rental company in Washington DC, your top choice for luxury rental cars and exotic adventures. We provide a wide range of high-end exotic luxurious vehicles from prestigious brands like Audi, Lamborghini, Mclaren , Rolls Royce and so much more.

Helicopter Rentals

Starting at $1,500 Per Hour

Welcome to Capital Exotic’s helicopter charter and tour service, where luxury meets adventure! Our helicopter fleet is an ideal way to discover the stunning landscapes and iconic landmarks of East Coast America. Looking to enjoy breathtaking views of the Washington Monument or soar the majestic Shenandoah Mountains from above?

chauffeur Services

Starting at $150 Per Day

At Capital Exotics we offer our clientele with a premium chauffeur service, on board with the most experience and competent drivers, aiming to provide the most luxurious experience. Not too familiar with the city? Our experienced chauffeurs will drive you to your destination in style and utmost comfort.

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