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Expert Tips to Improve Lap Times with Capital Exotic's Track Day Services

5 Best Tips to Improve Your Lap Times at the Track

Have you ever wondered what Lewis Hamilton did to become a No. 1 racer? He worked on his lap time and practiced and practiced and practiced. The shorter the lap time the faster you are on the tracks. Therefore, to improve your lap times at the track, you should drive smoothly, avoid drifting, avoid hitting, stick to your line, and keep momentum.  Practice these tips and you will improve your lap time significantly. 

Improve Your Lap Times at The Tracks

By practicing the following best tips to improve your lap time on track you can become a winner in no time.

1. Drive Smoothly

Drive Smoothly - Improve lap times at track
Drive Smoothly- Improve lap times at track

You might be thinking about how smooth driving can make your lap time faster. By improving your turns and making it smooth your overall lap time decreases. Sharp turns can make your car jerk which reduces speed. By hitting your breaks again and again you also lose your momentum. By making your shifts smooth you can do much better on the tracks. 

2. Avoid Drifting

avoid drifting- Improve lap times at track
Avoid drifting- Improve lap times at track

You must have heard about drifting techniques when turning corners. Well, don’t use this technique, as it slows you down. This technique is more usable in go-karts as they are lighter in weight. Drifting can also cause accidents on tracks if other drivers do not expect it. So, avoiding drifting can make your overall lap time better. 

3. Avoid Hitting

avoid hitting- Improve lap times at track
Avoid hitting- Improve lap times at track

Avoid hitting other cars or walls, as it can significantly slow you down, increasing your lap time. Though it can be exciting, coming in contact with other vehicles or walls increases friction, making you lose speed. Your main goal is to improve your overall lap time, not to have an action-filled, exciting race. If you want the latter then hitting and drifting can be very exhilarating but to improve your lap time you should avoid it. 

4. Stick To Your Line

Stick To Your Line
Stick To Your Line

Having the right lines inside the circuit is essential, and figuring out the fastest route will significantly improve your lap timings. Skilled drivers become familiar with precisely which lane to take on a circular track to drive their race cars as efficiently as possible. Look out for the line that will allow you to travel a considerable distance without sacrificing speed. There will always be a backup route that improves your car control. Once you’ve discovered it, stay with it and you’ll soon see improvements in your lap times!

5. Keep Momentum

On a racetrack, every turn causes you to lose a little bit of momentum and speed. Faster lap times are achieved by drivers who can maintain their momentum when driving around corners. As they get closer to the next corner, they will also have time to get ready. No car can navigate a tight turn at full speed without applying the brakes. The key to this is knowing when to lightly apply the brakes on the car to make the curve without losing too much speed.

How do you prepare a car for track?

preparing car for race track
Preparing car for race track

To prepare your car for track get it thoroughly inspected. Get the engine, suspensions, brakes, transmission components, and cooling system checked properly. Replace or repair any worn-out parts and refill oils and fluids that are required. Also, decrease the unnecessary weight from the car to make it faster. And add safety gear like first aid kits and fire extinguishers. This way your car will be ready to be taken on tracks.


Winning a race one time is no big deal. To become a champion you need to practice the above-mentioned top tips to improve your lap time on tracks. Rember practice makes the man perfect. At Capex Racing Academy, our top-notch ISMA race drivers will teach you tips and techniques for becoming the best race driver. Also, the abundant availability of race tracks will provide you with enough space to practice and master the skills you require to win. And who knows, you might become the best racer on the East Coast of the United States. 


Q1.Who is the no.1 racer in the world?

Lewis Hamilton is the top F1 racer in the world, having won 105 races. 

Q2. How to get faster lap times on GT7?

To get faster lap time on GT7 or any other car you need to turn off TC. By turning it off you will get full control over the engine and can accelerate as much as required. 

Q3. Do real racers use traction control?

In some car racing series, forms of traction control have become necessary, e.g., Formula 1.

Q4. Is it better to be heavy or light when go-karting?

Weight management is the key to winning a go-kart. The lighter the weight the faster you will go but keeping balance will be difficult and vice versa. So knowing about optimal weight will get you the desired results.

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